Fernelius Ford, Inc.


When you hear the word "community" it can mean different things to different people. To us at Fernelius Ford Lincoln it means our neighbors, our local schools and local organizations. We also think about what we can do to be a part of it all and help those mentioned above as much as possible. Here's a closer look at a few of our community events we would like to share.


Our dealership pairs with Ford Motor Company to provide a fundraiser for groups in our community and local school organizations.

Groups & Organizations that have participated:

  • Cheboygan Blueliners
  • Cornerstone Christian Schools
  • Cheboygan Academic Boosters
  • Inland Lakes Athletic Association
Cornerstone Christian School's Drive

Lending a helping hand, Amelia, in August of 2018 at Cornerstone Christian School's Drive 4 Ur School.

Cheboygan Blueliners Board

General Manager/Co-Owner, Justin Fernelius presents "the big check" to members of the Cheboygan Blueliners Board.

Fernelius Ford Hole-in-One Sponsorship

Over the years Fernelius Ford Lincoln has provided a vehicle as a prize for various golf outings. In most cases, if a hole-in-one is made on a certain hole on the golf course, then the participant would win that car.

  • Hawaiian Shirt Scramble at Stoney Creek Golf Course of Onaway June 2nd, 2018 (Fire/EMS Members Charity)
Hawaiian Shirt Scramble at Stoney Creek Golf Course of Onaway